Sunday, April 11, 2010

WILD.Released and the Frippery Prize

Great news! You still have ONE more week to complete your fabulous collection of gifts from the WILD.Released event! Aren't you relieved? Admit it, you were afraid you had missed out on your chance to own limited edition goodies from the creative talents of those amazing designers involved in this event. What event you ask again? Shame on you! The WILD.Released event of course!

Organized by Faery Sola of Studio Sidhe, a dozen creators from across the grid were asked to participate, and they have all made splendid gifts for you to collect. Only OK, I must tell you they aren't exactly "free". I mean the gifts are free, but in order to get the gifts, you have to buy an item from one of the participating stores that is identified as having a WILD.Released HUD in it. Once you accomplish that you can then skip from store to store filling up your HUD with stamps until it is redeemable for FANTASTIC FREE PRIZES! Does that sound like too much work? Its not really, afterall what else do you have to do? And it is a great way to find some creators that you may not know about. So grab a group of friends and take some pictures and voila you have a whole memory book filled with WILD.Released adventures! Publish it and become a SL author, the possibilities are endless and all of this just because you decided to read this blog post today!

I know, you want to know who is involved and what the FANTASTIC FREE PRIZES are so you can decide it is worth the time, lindens, and lag to go to all the stores. Trust me, it is! For all the details on who is involved and what their prizes are please take a look at the WILD.Released website.

OK! Sneak preview, I can at least give you the names of the participants here so you know you want to take the 30 second to look at the website to see their prizes ::wink::

Participating stores include: Frippery (yes that's me!), Balderdash, Evie's Closet, No Strings Attached, Flipside, Studio Sidhe, [][]TRAP[][], Illusions, ~ silent sparrow ~, Schadenfreude, Fallen Gods Inc., Discord Designs.

See! I told you we had good designers. So what are you waiting for? Jump a cab and start off your WILD.Released adventures at Frippery!

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